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Crystal red shrimp (CRS) are a rare and popular variety of freshwater dwarf shrimp known for their bright red and white striped markings and low maintenance feeding habits. They are a selectively bred variant of the bee shrimp, a small scavenger native to Taiwan that eats algae and decayed vegetation.


CRS are also sensitive to water changes, so more frequent lower volume changes are safer and more effective than large infrequent water changes. You should change the water at least 30% each week, and make sure to dechlorinate the water before adding it to the aquarium.

CRS are omnivorous and require a balanced diet. Some say that CRS display their best colors at lower temperatures and tend to breed more readily at lower temperatures. 



Pure Red Line Caridina Shrimp PRL Mix grade (S-SSS)




  • Temperature: 65° - 72°F
  • PH: 6.2-6.8
  • GH: 4-6
  • KH: 0
  • TDS: 100-125
  • Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate: 0


  • Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Filter: Sponge Bio Filter
  • Substrate: ADA Amazonia, active subtrate, planted subtrate
  • Water: RO/DI Water remineralized with Salty Shrimp Kh
  • Décor: Malaysian Driftwood, Java Moss and Indian Almond Leaves


  • Common Name: Black Kong Kong, Black Panda, BKK
  • Scientific Name: Caridina Cantonensis
  • Intermidiate- Difficult
  • Habitat: Freshwater, Fully Aquatic
  • Life span: 1.5 to 2.5 years
  • Average purchase size: 1/2 - 3/4 inch (1.3 - 1.9 cm)
  • Average Adult size: 1-1.5 inch (2.5 - 3.8cm)
  • Diet: Scavenger both Herbivore and Omnivore.
  • Social behavior: Peaceful


  • Striking unique Black  and White striped coloration
  • Completely peaceful with all non-aggressive tankmates
  • Safe with all plants
  • Excellent scavenger
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